Hooking With: Country Willow Designs

Hooking With: Country Willow Designs
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Hooking With: Sheri Ann of Country Willow Designs

Welcome back to Hooking With; this week, we interviewed Sheri Ann of Country Willow Designs.  Read on to learn all about Country Willow Designs and be sure to read all the way to the bottom–a lot of the designers provide a freebie pattern or a coupon code for patterns!


Hi, my name is Sheri Ann, I am the owner of Country Willow Designs. I have been crocheting for about 7 years. My father taught me when I was 14, but as a 14 year old it didn’t stick with me.  Designing started for me after my return from crochet in 2014. I love designing and sharing my pattern for free so everyone can enjoy crocheting! I am a mother of 2 daughters, who enjoy crafting as much as I do.

When did you start designing?

I started designing a year after I started crocheting full time.

Do you have a blog? If so, when did you start that up?

Yes I have a blog. I started my blog shortly after I started designing.

What was your initial plan with your blog and designs?

I was looking for something to fill my time with. I was a stay at home mom to 4 step children.

How have your designs and designing process evolved?

I know longer fear designing and using different stitches.

What designs do you specialize in?

Hats and Scarves, but I have many other things.

Do you have a favorite few stitches you like to use or do you always try to do new ones?

I try to always use new stitches. My favorite overall has got to be cables.

When you come up with an idea, does it come first from yarn you have or do you find yarn to fit the idea?

I definitely find the yarn to fit the idea.

When did you start crocheting?


What made you decide to become a designer?

To be honest, I tried several times to follow a pattern, but would always go and do something different anyways.

Are there any patterns not your own that you just love?

Anything from Kirsten Omdhal

Who/what inspired you? Does this still inspire you?

Theresa Richardson inspired me at the beginning then Oombawka Designs

Of your patterns, which is your favorite and why?

Hmmmm…. The Milan Summer Wrap or the Rouge Infinity Scarf. I love mirrored scarves and both of these have that feature.

Milan Summer Wrap - Free Crochet Pattern

Free Crochet Pattern - Rouge Infinity Scarf Country Willow Designs

Are there any crochet techniques/stitches you wish to learn this year?

I do want to learn more cable techniques.

What are your biggest crochet challenges and how do you plan on overcoming that?

Getting more patterns designed and having the seo on my website all fixed. I will work even harder.

Have you ever lost your crojo and how did you overcome that?

I lost my mother and became depressed. Talking with a therapist helped. Then in 2019, I battled a severe depression and that was not as easy to come back from.

What three tips can you offer to anyone that crochets?

Don’t fear trying new thing. Patience is a virtue. Learn to read the patterns. Don’t rely on YouTube. There are many older patterns that are beautiful out there.


Included are pictures (above) of free patterns on the Country Willow Designs blog page–click on the pictures to be taken to the patterns!

Thank you for answering our questions, Sheri Ann!

In Case You Missed It…

Last time, we interviewed De Lune Fiber Art.

Other interviews on the Hooking With Series:

Veronika Cromwell of Blue Star Crochet 

Sati Glenn of Rows and Roses

Sadie Shephard of Osage County Crochet

Joey Baird of Jo’s Crafty Hook

Kris from Krissy’s Over the Mountain Crochet

Crystal from ChristaCo Designs

Mary Beth from Crochet with Mary Beth

Jenna Maverick of The Yarn that Binds Us

Sarah Ruane of Ned and Mimi

Agat from Made by Gootie

Christine from Sweet Potato 3

Sandra la Madeleine of Lamas de Laine