Hooking With …. Sadie Sheppard of Osage County Crochet

Hooking With …. Sadie Sheppard of Osage County Crochet
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Sadie is the lady behind Osage County Crochet and has a fun and quirky personality. I have been following her for quite a while and have been a member of her community group for way longer than I have been designing. I am THRILLED that she is part of our Hooking With feature!

Let’s meet the lady!

My name is Sadie and I am the designer behind Osage County Crochet. I am a crochet enthusiast! As well as a full-time wife, mother, and homemaker. I recently began the full-time endeavor of homeschooling my two children. I’m a proud supporter of the Autistic Self Advocacy on behalf of my five-year-old autistic son!

For as long as I can remember I have always been crafty and had a love of creative writing. I learned to crochet when I was a little girl, but it was not until I had my kiddos that I discovered my hidden talent for crochet pattern design! My son was diagnosed with autism and is extremely nonverbal. In the beginning there were times I could not get the dishes, laundry, or well basically anything done! It was a learning curve for all of us!

I did however discover that even on the worst of days when my son and I were cuddled on the floor crying that I could still manage to crochet. I may not have been able to get the washing done but I was able to hold him, love him, and let him sit in my lap while I designed a hat! That was an extremely pivotal moment in my life! It taught me that I still had self-worth, purpose and could pursue my own interests while still being the best advocate I could be for my children.



When did you start designing?

I have been crocheting for about 20 years, but I started designing 4 years ago.

Do you have a blog?  If so, when did you start that up?

I design paid as well as free patterns. All of my free patterns go up on my blog! I started blogging 2 years ago. www.osagecountycrochet.com/blog

What was your initial plan with your blog and designs?

My second passion was writing so it was a natural fit that I should start a blog. I wanted to be able to feature other designers, review yarn, and publish all my free patterns in one convenient place!

How have your designs and designing process evolved?

I started out designing hats. I moved onto designing amigurumi and amigurumi ragdolls. In 2020 I dipped my toes into the world of giant crochet. I designed a 4 ft tall pumpkin and a 5 ft tall garden gnome!

What designs do you specialize in?

Definitely amigurumi!



Do you have a favorite few stitches you like to use or do you always try to do new ones?

Most of my amigurumi is made using single crochet. I love a good bobble stitch though!

When you come up with an idea, does it come first from yarn you have or do you find yarn to fit the idea?

The design concept always comes first for me! Yarn and supplies come second. I like designing things on a budget so that my customers don’t have to break the bank on supplies!

When did you start crocheting?

When I was 8 years old.

What made you decide to become a designer?

My kiddos inspired me. It all started with designing things for them. They are so creative. It was my youngest who challenged me to design my giant garden gnome.

Are there any patterns not your own that you just love?

There are so many amazing designers in the fiber community! Spin a Yarn Crochet recently published an adorable Gingerbread Boy! I also love Oliva Laws Art! She designs some really creative things!



Who/what inspired you?  Does this still inspire you?  Why?

My kids inspire a lot of my design ideas, but my husband inspires me to go bigger and never give up! He sees the good in me even when I struggle to!

Of your patterns, which is your favorite and why?

I love everything that I create but my Mermaid Tail Cross Body Purse was a fun pattern to design.


Are there any crochet techniques/stitches you wish to learn this year?

I am happy with my current knowledge and skill set but there is always room to learn!

What are your biggest crochet challenges and how do you plan on overcoming that?

We bought a house this year, so my blog hit the back burner! I plan to get organized a release a lot of free patterns over on my blog.

Have you ever lost your crojo and how did you overcome that?

I am agoraphobic and was recently diagnosed with autism, so I have my down days. You can’t force a good mood to manifest. Sometimes you just need to take the day off!

What three tips can you offer to anyone that crochets?

1. You are amazing!

2. Don’t give up!

3. Community over competition!


Sadie has a free pattern over on Ravelry for you to try! Check out the pop tart purse! (Click the photo)


You can find Sadie and Osage County Crochet in the following places:

Blog: www.osagecountycrochet.com/blog/

Fb: www.facebook.com/osagecountycrochet/

Instagram: www.instagram.com/osagecountycrochet/

Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@osage_county_crochet/

Ravelry: www.ravelry.com/designers/osage-county-crochet/


If you missed the last edition of Hooking With you can find it here.

Other interviews on the Hooking With Series:

Veronika Cromwell of Blue Star Crochet 

Sati Glenn of Rows and Roses

Joey Baird of Jo’s Crafty Hook

Sherri Ann of Country Willow Designs

Kris from Krissy’s Over the Mountain Crochet

Crystal from ChristaCo Designs

Mary Beth from Crochet with Mary Beth

Jenna Maverick of The Yarn that Binds Us

Sarah Ruane of Ned and Mimi

Agat from Made by Gootie

Christine from Sweet Potato 3

Sandra la Madeleine of Lamas de Laine