What You Need to Learn to Crochet

So you want to learn to crochet? One of the first things you need to think about is what you NEED to start learning to crochet.
It’s very easy to walk into your local yarn shop or hobby store and excited about all of the wonderful things they have on their shelves. But actually what you need to get you started is very little.
Here are the ONLY things that you NEED to learn to crochet
At this point I will state that this post does contain affiliate links so we may earn a small commission if you buy anything using our links, but they do not cost you anything extra to use them!
So, the bare bones of a kit to get you started are shown in the photo above:
- Yarn – I would recommend an aran or #4 weight yarn as a minimum. This is because if you use anything smaller it can be more difficult to see your stitches. Using a slightly thicker yarn gives you a much better look at what is going on with your work and it is easier to see what you are doing. It also means that your project will work up quicker – you will find yourself more motivated if your project works up a little quicker!
- Hook – you will need to choose a hook that is appropriate for the yarn you are using. Of course, if you are following a pattern then the pattern will tell you exactly what yarn and hook you will need. As a general rule if you are using a #4 weight yarn and have no pattern you will need either a 5mm (size H) or 5.5mm (size I) hook.
- Scissors (for cutting your yarn)
- Tape Measure
- Tapestry needle (for sewing in those ends when your project is finished!
- Small bag to keep your bits and bobs safe! Even a zip lock bag will do – it really doesn’t have to be fancy, just practical
Optional Extras
There are a couple of extras that you could add to your shopping list which you will find useful.
- Stitch markers – these are very useful to have, especially when starting. I would highly recommend you use them to mark at least the first and last stitch of every row. This will help you to keep the correct stitch count. Most new crocheters find their work slants or gets narrower as they crochet more rows and almost always this is because they have ‘lost’ stitches by not crocheting to the end of the row!
- Row counter – whether you need this depends entirely on the pattern you are starting with. If you are just wanting to try a simple scarf the counter will not be necessary as you will continue to work the scarf until it is as long as you want it.
So now you have your essential kit – what do you do next?
Well, you decide what you would like to make! Most people like to start with a washcloth or a scarf because they give you the chance to practice and master a stitch, they are quick projects and so you get the gratification of actually finishing something that can be used!
To make either a washcloth or a scarf your chain start if you use on of the basic stitches in the videos below will be as long as you desire. And you work as many rows as you need. The single crochet tutorial will show you how to do your chain starts.
Don’t get me wrong, most people are not perfect from the off. Getting your tension even can be a big learning curve, but once you have that then you will feel like great about your project and be so proud of it. You will see how your stitch work has improved as the project gets bigger!
Where do you learn the basic stitches?
There are lots of text books out there, blogs etc if you search on google that walk you through how to create stitches. There are also LOTS of YouTube video tutorials, which many people prefer. It just so happens that we have a Beginners Crochet Series on our YouTube Channel!
Here are a few of the videos you will need to get you started:
This first one shows you how to chain start as well as do the stitch:
If you would like some extra help and support while you learn to crochet and then develop your skills please feel free to join our FB community group – the people there are always willing to help and Sara and I will be around and help you out!!