Preemie Beanies

Most people love to crochet hats for loved ones and to donate. These preemie beanies from DutchCrochetbyMDK make the perfect item to donate! And they have been donated to our Preemie Crochet Challenge event.
It will available as a free pdf until 9th August with the code from our round-up!!
Let me introduce you to DutchCrochetbyMDK
Marjolein is a talented and fairly new designer and has been sitting in the background of our Facebook community group for a while. (Yes, we noticed you Marjolein :P) I am thrilled that she spoke up and wanted to participate in our first Preemie Crochet Challenge and donate a pattern!
Let’s hear a bit from the lady herself!
My name is Marjolein de Koning, as my shop name says, I am Dutch and love to crochet.
I have designed a few preemie hats recently and I am happy to be able to share them with you in this great roundup I am invited to.
I have done many things in my life and had various jobs, but the red thread is that I like to help others where I can and how I can. As a little girl I wanted to be a nurse, and when I was in my early 20s I found what I believed to be my dream job as a nurse on a maternity ward.
In reality, this was not always a happy place to be. Being a University medical center and children’s hospital, we saw many pregnancy’s end sadly, or babies born prematurely.
At that moment, I could not crochet yet, and was admiring an older nurse, that folded clothes from gauzes.
Years later, when I was happily and healthy expecting my first daughter I tried to crochet and I felt the need to give back to less fortunate women.
I started making little blankets and cocoons for stillborn babies from patterns I found on internet.
I also started making granny squares for charity blankets and amigurumi.
To be able to buy the yarn, supplies and shipping costs, I opened my own Etsy shop where I sell materials for amigurumi such as safety eyes, rattles, etc and I sell ready made items and custom orders . You are welcome to come and check it out!
I have now been crocheting for 9 years and can finally design items myself.

Preemie Beanies Pattern
I believe these patterns are intermediate beginner level and quick to make. I can make a hat in 30 minutes.
Please share a little bit of your time and talent and join me in making these hats for your local hospital or other charity. #preemiechallenge2020
You can put a little flower on the front if you like, or a star, just be creative. (Note: embellishments are not in the pattern). The patterns can be used as a basic beanie in itself, and it will give 2 sizes and 3 options.
You can also find DutchCrochetbyMDK on FaceBook.
And Instagram. I would love it if you could tag me in any makes from this pattern!
Please remember to also share your makes with Sunflower Cottage Crochet on Instagram or in our Facebook Community group using the #PreemieCrochetChallenge2020. We love to see your makes!!