Easy Afghan Pattern: Prairie Fields Afghan

The Prairie Fields Afghan really does remind me of Kansas fields with the tall native grasses swaying, which I feel is represented in the offset fans in the blanket. The straight columns represent the corn fields, in my mind.
That Feeling
I really wanted something that I felt represented where I’m from–Kansas–and the simple beauty of the area. August and September are wild Sunflower months here, and they are everywhere! I love to see them all along the roadsides and all over a whole field. Next to that field is another one with wheat, or native Kansas grass–which we’re not allowed to mow!
Add to that the large round bales of hay and wow, it just looks so beautiful. Kansas is also quite windy most of the time, so you get that swaying if crops and grasses and trees. So once again, the offset shells represent the swaying vegetation and the straight blocks of stitches represent the corn stalks. I hope you like how this comes together!

Prairie Fields
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This is an easy to do crochet afghan that I was able to work up super fast. I had a bunch of different colors of some awesome wool yarns from WeCrochet that I used for this: Wool of the Andes Worsted, which is 100% Peruvian Highland Wool. I know you’re thinking that it must be scratchy but not nearly as much as I thought it would be. It’s actually quite soft and squishy for wool and I loved that wool feeling for a nice comfortable blanket near the fireplace.
You can find this awesome yarn here:
Materials Needed
Wool of the Andes Worsted yarn, about 1980 yards total (click picture above to view this yarn)
My lapghan/afghan is sofa sized: 56 x 45″
Where To Find The Pattern