Coffee Beanie Cozy (TM) Crochet Patterns!

Here They Are, AT LAST! The Coffee Beanie Cozy!
We’ve been keeping a sort of secret (not so much to our testers!): we have a ton of these Coffee Beanie Cozy patterns to release! What better way to do that than in a round up where you can see all the most current releases!
What’s in a name?
I came up with this idea sitting on my couch one evening. I had just finished up a few beanies and was still feeling the flow of beanie making so I picked up some cotton yarn and a hook and started making this tiny little beanie. Literally, I had no idea what I was doing or what I was actually making.
I first made the bottom part just like a “bottom-up” beanie, working out the ribbing. I decided to find measurements of a Starbuck’s take-out coffee cup–the most commonly used one. That would be the 20oz cup. Googling dimensions of this cup was interesting to say the least… I found the measurements and set out to do this thing.
The basics of the Coffee Beanie Cozy is that it’s made bottom up with ribbing, joined, then we like to “line” it with a round of Camel stitches, work a fancy stitch from there, then top it with another round of Camel, followed by Crab Stitch.
With me so far?
What Is It?
This is a luxury for your hands! The Coffee Beanie Cozy is the perfect cozy for hot or cold drinks! Keeps your hands from getting too hot or too cold while holding your cups. It also keeps your hands dry if you have a cold drink that’s sweating. Ew.
Helen can tell you… she was in a movie theater and didn’t have hers on hand. Helen, I’m shaking my head at you! Her cup collapsed and her drink went everywhere! She has found that these Coffee Beanie Cozies have a stabilizing affect on the cups. What a cool feature.
First one
First one I made was the Paige Coffee Beanie Cozy. Then I separated those stitches (bean and X) into their own individual CBC’s (short for coffee beanie cozy!). So just like that, I had 3 designs!
I contacted Helen and said, “you got any cotton yarn?”
Helen: …uh..I might… why?
Helen: … ok? How much do I need?
Me: (why isn’t she as excited as I am??) Um, not sure, just get a skein of it and a 5mm.
Helen: Ok but it’ll have to be tomorrow. Do you have a pattern written?
Me: No? You can’t just read my mind? *sets out to write the pattern*
Helen’s Test
The next day, Helen made the ones I had written up, the Paige CBC being the first. She liked it a lot, we got some neat pictures done but… The gal that takes our pictures for us put them on upside-down! New pictures made… we were ready to start listing them and showing them off but….
We got so excited about how these looked and felt that we just kept making more and more of them. Using all manner of stitches. Here’s a handy list of Coffee Beanie Cozy patterns we are releasing now. Don’t worry, I will provide links to Pinterest pins (just click on their Pinterest pin image!) and links to the already released Coffee Beanie Cozies at the end.
Ready? Ok!
Oh My Stars! Coffee Beanie Cozy
I think this was the 4th one I came up with as it was July 2019. Yes, it’s been sitting that long. We had so much going on at that time and we were just cranking these things out.
This one features the Star Stitch (also known as the Marguerite Stitch). This is an awkward stitch to work, especially in the round, but I feel that our pattern explains it very well. If you ever get lost though, feel free to let us know!
Alpine Coffee Beanie Cozy
As you might have guessed, this one features the Alpine Stitch. Can I just say that this is probably one of my most favorite stitch patterns? Yet this is only one of two patterns we have with it. Or is there three now?? I’d have more but there are already so many patterns out there with this stitch pattern it’s nearly impossible to find something that hasn’t already got this stitch in use!
Maybe I can find something to use with it soon? Moving on…
Berries Coffee Beanie Cozy
This one utilizes the Berry Stitch (even berry, if I’m not mistaken). This is one that Helen came up with. I like the use of color changes so that you can see the stitch very well.
The Even Berry Stitch is a neat take on a puff or popcorn type stitch that seems to be easier to work, in my opinion. It doesn’t stick out so far that it takes away from the design or make your hand uncomfortable on the cozy.
I can imagine the use of this stitch with some green for “leaves” at a later date. Perhaps some kind of Cherry CBC?
Cupcake Coffee Beanie Cozy
Did someone say, CUPCAKE?? Sure did. This one looks good enough to eat, too. I’m really liking the CBC’s that have a more noticeable design, like this cupcake. This is another one of Helen’s creations. I love the color changes to identify cake and frosting. YUM! Seriously going to make a lot of these for Christmas gifts.
I’m guessing there’s a teacher out there that would love one of these, too!
Grit Stitch Coffee Beanie Cozy
This stitch is normally used for things like washcloths. I love the topsy-turvy look of it. It looks very classic and pretty in a single color, and would really be great for a gift. Especially if you weren’t sure what the recipient likes (I’m easy, I like cupcakes, just so you know!).
I really don’t think you can go wrong with a classic stitch that gives a classic look.
Lemon Drop Coffee Beanie Cozy
So this is one of my creations. Helen asked me to come up with a kitchen set for an event we were part of during the summer months. We had the Lemon drops towel, washcloth, and potholder.
This stitch combo just literally popped out of my head. I used the larger Bean/Puff stitch paired with the Lemon Peel stitch to get the look. This, to me, is the perfect summer CBC to have on hand.
Shells Coffee Beanie Cozy
This is another one of my earlier creations. I really liked the idea of having one with shells on it. This is the only one (so far) that does not use the Crab stitch along the top. I made up for it though, when I added an additional round of Camel stitch.
This is actually currently our freebie pattern for signing up to our newsletter, so if you haven’t signed up yet, do it! Those of you that already signed up in the past, you received our Sunflower Motif pattern! That is no longer available at this time!
Previously Released
As mentioned earlier, I am going to provide a handy dandy list of CBC’s we’ve already released. SPOILER ALERT!! There is one more CBC that even our testers don’t know about yet that I think is super special. It’s super hard for me to hold it in. I’ve wanted to show our Moderators in the Facebook group for a while (well, ok, both days since I came up with it…but still…).
Here’s that list: