Crochet Journey, By Helen Wilkinson
Hi Guys!
I am truly honoured and excited to see where Sunflower Cottage Crochet goes!
I thought I would use my first blog post to introduce myself to you all.
I am primarily a work from home mum to one 7-year-old daughter. I have been crocheting for about 25 years now. I started when I was preparing for my GCSEs (I am in the UK) as a means of learning facts, dates etc for my exams because I couldn’t ‘cheat’ and look at the paper if I was watching what my hands were doing! Hey, it worked … I had tried knitting before this, but it really wasn’t for me. With knitting it isn’t so much what you need to do, it’s the nightmare you have when something goes wrong and you have to undo your work – for me this meant starting again from scratch because I couldn’t fathom how to go back just a little bit!
About 16 months ago I began testing patterns for designers. I was lucky to find some awesome Facebook groups and have made some fabulous friends. It is these friends who have encouraged me to start designing patterns myself and given me the confidence to give it a go.
I won’t lie, it’s a scary prospect wondering whether your designs are up to scratch or whether they will be well received. That first pattern … oh my days! … creating, scrapping the idea and trying again and again until I was happy with it and it was just a coaster! Having a gorgeous picture in your mind and making it a reality is challenging. I’m learning a lot and I hope that you guys will follow me on my journey and enjoy putting your own twist on my creations.